Wednesday, 30 April 2014

New Term & Time to Get Revising

Welcome back to the new and final term of the academic year.

By now you should have all received your final print credit top up which should hopefully see you through to the end.  However, I have noticed a lot of you printing loads of practice exam papers, so if you do need more credit, don't despair - you can pay for further credit and can put as little as 10p on, if you need it.

So what is coming up this term - well, it's exam time so make the most of the LRC for your revision.  We have just created a new display that provides lots of revision tips and advice, useful resources and details of the all important exam timetable.

Revision by Raindog Accessed via Flickr
Normal opening hours have resumed so you can carry on studying until 5.15pm on Mondays, Tuesday and Thursdays.

If you have any problems finding the right resource for your studies - please make use of the friendly LRC staff who will be happy to point you in the right direction!

Wishing you all lots of luck for your forthcoming exams and coursework deadlines!

Friday, 11 April 2014

Holiday Opening Times

It might be the holidays next week - but the LRC is still open for study!

We will be open Monday 14th April - Thursday 17th April from 09.30 to 15.30 every day.

Then during the following week we will be open from Wednesday 23rd April to Friday 25th April from 09.30 - 15.30 every day.

Please be aware however that on Friday 25th April there will be no computer access all day.

Please make sure your bring your Student ID card if you want to use the facilities in the LRC.