Welcome back everyone and we hope you all had a good break.
We know the next few months are going to be stressful with exams and coursework deadlines ahead so to offer a helping hand we have introduced a self-help section in the LRC. In this section you will find books related to stress, anxiety and depression. The books are located in Bay 1 on the lower level of the LRC and all are available to loan for 3 weeks.
As we enter this last term, the LRC would like to get your feedback on how the academic year has gone. We would welcome your views and opinions about the services offered in the LRC in order that we can try and make improvements. We have put together a short survey that is available via the Learning Resources course on Moodle and we would really appreciate as many of you as possible completing this for us.
And finally, we are looking at replacing the comfy chairs currently in the fiction and chill out areas, but we would like to know what kind of chairs you would like. If you head up to the chill out area on the upper level this week, there is the first possibility of bean bag chairs. We ask that you try out this chair and let us know your thoughts before we go ahead and buy any more!!
We look forward to receiving all your comments and feedback this term and wish you all lots of luck with your revision and study.