Tuesday, 28 March 2017

LRC Closing at 3.15pm Today

The LRC will be closing at 3.15pm today due to Parent's Evening.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

1Y Students Progression Interviews - This Friday

Progression interviews for A Level study next year will take place this Friday 31st March


1Y students should have received a letter in the post with their interview time.


If you haven't received this, please see CIS asap.

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Shakespeare Week

This week is Shakespeare Week, a national campaign to inspire and enthuse people about William Shakespeare.

There's still chance to catch our Shakespeare display where you can find out a bit more about the Great Bard or enjoy one of his many plays and/or poems.  We also have a number of Shakespeare Graphic Novels and DVDs on offer too.  Please ask a member of LRC staff for more information.

‘Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.’
(Twelfth Night Act 2, Scene 5)

Thursday, 16 March 2017

Job Ready Event


Thursday 16 March 2017


The Careers department Job Ready Event is being held in college today in various venues across college.  In the Sports Hall, from 12.30pm to 1.30pm there is the Apprenticeship providers and Employers Recruitment Fair.  There are also sessions on Making Yourself Employable, Presenting a professional image and Wow CV session.

Come and take a look at the display in the LRC which provides details about all the events and sessions taking place today. Some books are also on display which are available to borrow from the Careers Library.  Online Careers resources are also available from the Careers and LRC Moodle page.  If you require any help or  assistance finding careers information and resources please see the Careers Librarian, Mandy Barker in the LRC. Careers Staff are based in Student Services if you require any careers advice and guidance.  Appointments can be made at the main desk in Student Services.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

International Women's Day

International Women's Day
8 March 2017
Theme: #BeBoldForChange
International Women's Day
Today is International Women's Day (IWD) which highlights the cultural, economic, political and social achievements of women around the world.
The theme this year is #BeBoldForChange a call for everyone to help forge a better working world - a more inclusive, gender world.  

How will you #BeBoldForChange? Go to https://www.internationalwomensday.com/BeBold and show your support.
Further information about IWD can be found on the website at https://www.internationalwomensday.com/.

Come and take a look at the display in the LRC depicting women achievers from around the world, with various resources on or by women available for loan from the LRC.

Monday, 6 March 2017

National Apprenticeship Week and National Careers Week 2017

6 to 10 March 2017
National Apprenticeship Week
The National Apprenticeship Week is co-ordinated by the National Apprenticeship Service and is designed to celebrate apprenticeships and traineeships and the positive impact they have on individuals, businesses and the wider economyThis year marks the 10th anniversary of National Apprenticeship Week and will celebrate the achievements of apprentices over the last decade. The overall theme of the week is 'Ladder of Opportunity' which will focus on the progression routes of apprenticeships, traineeships through to higher and degree apprenticeships.  Further information about the week, as well as on apprenticeships and traineeships can be found on the GOV.UK website.
Come and take a look at the display in the LRC, which has further details about local and specialist apprenticeship providers, as well as about National Apprenticeship Week.  If you are interested in an apprenticeship further information is also available in the Careers Library based in the LRC.  See or email the Careers Librarian, Mandy Barker for further details.
National Careers Week
National Careers Week is run as a non-for-profit company to promote the importance of good careers education in schools and colleges, funded and backed by a number of volunteers with a wealth of experience from education, business and careers guidance. The aim is to provide a focus on careers guidance and support to students who may be about to leave college and enter full-time employment.  At a time of high youth unemployment there has never been a bigger need for careers guidance to be promoted and celebrated in education.  National Careers Week provides a platform to advise and inspire the next generation as they enter the world of work.  Further details and resources can be found on the National Careers Week website.
For any careers advice and guidance, please see a member of Careers Staff, Cerise Walters, Jill Valentine or Kevin Lennox based in Student Services.  Appointments can be made to see any of them at the main desk in Student Services.
Please come and have a look at the display in the LRC and use the Careers Library, which has a selection of resources available for you to borrow on CVs, Interview Skills, Job applications, Job interviewing,  Job Hunting and other careers resources. Online careers resources are also available from the Careers and LRC Moodle Page.  If you require any help or assistance finding careers information and resources see the Careers Librarian, Mandy Barker in the LRC.

World Book Day - 2 March 2017

Happy World Book Day!
It's the 20th anniversary of World Book Day this year, a day to celebrate and encourage reading for pleasure.  As part of World Book Day there is a display in the LRC highlighting some of the Writes of Passage books nominated by World Book Day participants along with this year's Quick Reads. (Quick Reads are short books written by big name authors that are specifically designed to be easy to read - they are the same as mainstream books in every respect but are simply shorter for those that don't always have the time to read or are less confident in their reading skills.) All the books on the display are available to loan so please feel free to borrow any copy that takes your fancy.

Finally don't forget the LRC also has an extensive fiction collection, including graphic novels, new releases and much more... All titles can be borrowed for three weeks so if the displayed books are not to your taste there are many more you can choose from.  If you are struggling to decide what to read, please speak to a member of LRC staff who will be happy to offer you a recommendation.

Happy reading!